Private Investors

Typically the barrier to entry for investing into the social housing market has been incredibly high, with institutions acquiring the majority of the opportunities. Despite the larger schemes favouring more institutional funds, AFPI has opened the market to enable private investors to invest in an ethical asset class.
AFPI has successfully worked with private investors across the globe to help them secure long-term inflation-linked investments from as little as £100,000. Being able to secure an ethical investment with a government-funded tenant in place for a small amount of capital is a new opportunity in the industry, and it is starting to gain significant traction.
AFPI take all the hassle out of purchasing a social housing property by already completing and satisfying the necessary refurbishment and regulatory obstacles, ensuring that your investment is cash flowing from day one.
Institutional Investors

Social Housing investments can offer a predictable long-term inflation-linked income that investors will struggle to find elsewhere. Furthermore, investing in social housing has a positive social impact and is an ethical form of investment.
The inflation-linked income and FRI lease model is highly attractive to institutional investors and is why institutional investment into the space has increased exponentially over the last couple of years. AFPI can provide institutions with high-quality properties that provide long-term inflation-linked cash flow.
Are you an institutional fund, family office or private equity firm looking to grow your footprint in social housing?
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